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Posts posted by Wheeler

  1. Due to some recent events I will be l will be leaving from the server. It has been a great 8 months everybody. I have many good memory's from this gaming community. All the good times with BLG, PcP, KoS, And MwM. To all the APD members I enjoyed playing with (You know who you are) It has been a good 20k min on cop with you all many MANY fun moments. Anyways time to head out, Everyone have a nice stay on olympus. I hope the community continues to grow. Bubbaii <3

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  2. Hey guy's so today I went to load up arma from the launcher and got this error "Blocked loading of file 'C:\Windows\System 32\wow64.dll" I have had this issue with arma 2 aswell it is a Battleye problem I am certain but I have no clue how to fix it. Any help would be appreciated.

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