🎄 Festive Surprise 🎅 New Event Snow (Dec 20th-25th) 🌨️ Santa Drops (Dec 20th-25th) 7:00 PM EST 🎅 Santa will fly over one major city and drop presents off Presents will auto-unseal after 2 minutes of landing and contain physical and virtual items Once he finishes, he will fly over the warzone Santa and his accompanying elf will parachute when the warzone present is dropped You can find and kill both of them for some extra goodies... The warzone present will unseal 10 minutes after landing You can toggle a view of Santa's sleigh and reindeer by typing ;santacam Krampus (Dec 20th-25th) 9:00 PM EST 👺 Krampus will spawn at one of the major cities to terrorize citizens He has the ability to super jump and go invisible He will melee players and deal 50 HP per hit He can be killed with conventional weapons and his body will contain gifts... Kavala Cookie Eating Contest (Dec 20th-25th) 6:00 PM EST 🍪 A dining table will be setup in Kavala square with chairs and plates Players will have 5 minutes to eat as many cookies as possible If you leave your chair someone else might take your seat! Top 3 cookie eaters will earn cash 1st - 500k + Fat Ass Title 2nd - 250k 3rd - 100k New Years Day (Jan 1st 2024) 12:00 AM EST 🎇 Fireworks will be set off at all major cities Advent Calendar Dec 19th-25th you will receive an extra reward in daily rewards The loot pool is really 😱 so don't forget to open them! Community Goals Civ Find and melt snowmen with a thermite grenade ☃️ Open presents 🎁 Snowball players ❄️ Cop Drink pumpkin spice lattes ☕ Med Give out candy canes 🍬 Virtual Items Presents When you open a present near a Christmas tree it will be put into your y-inventory You can open it to receive rewards! Eggnog (Alcoholic Effects), gingerbread, cookies, graham crackers, chocolate bars, marshmallows, and milk Redgull is now Frosty Redgull Juggernog has made a return (Can be used Dec 19th-25th) Bongs, Joints, Vapes, and Glassrigs have made a return for the entirety of December Vapes can be purchased at the market and others at drug dealer Thermite grenade for melting snowmen Camping Setup This will place a tent and campfire that you can sleep in for 1 minute to regain HP, food/water. You can forge smores by via interaction key and having graham crackers, chocolate bars, and marshmallows in your inventory Smores effect will last 5 minutes and you can heal overtime (10 seconds per 5 HP) It can't be placed inside red zones or major cities It can store up to 25 virtual storage (NOTE: it can be accessed by anyone) Automatically deletes after 10 minutes Oly+ Exclusive Client mod MK-1 and Mk-18 Gingerbread skin toggle with ;skinginger Mk-18 Present skin toggle with ;skinpresent Festive spray paints Festive pajamas for Fatigues and CBRN suit Elf Wetsuit Building Decorations Toggle with house menu A small Christmas tree with a model train and presents Christmas Tree Lights out the outside of your house for all your friends to see House Lights 7 different light options to choose from These are saved in the database, so even if your offline, other players will see your decor Available for houses and gang sheds Gang owner must have oly+ to toggle Free Hatchback sport Ifrit skin Misc You can throw snowballs at players by pressing G Christmas loading screen You can optionally download: Altis Snow Map You can see your breath and others now due to low temperatures Whenever you are facing North at night, you can see Polaris. You can donate to those in need at any major city via Salvation Army with interaction key The top 3 players with the most donations will receive an exclusive title at the end of the month Airdrops now have various present skins Ability to wire money directly from Gang Bank Can transfer money to offline players that will goto their deposit box Tax rate for offline transfer is 8% Gang members are now notified when their gang can be leveled upon login Gang experience progress is now visible on the Y gang menu RnR DP Bonus Getting revives in between Medic DP missions gives a bonus to the medic mission. Max 50% increase. Revives: 1 | 12.50% 2 | 25.00% 3 | 37.50% 4 | 50.00% RnR can now repair destroyed buildings Pays $50k to Medic on completion Custom SFX while repairing APD can now redeploy from their HQs Restricted from use if: A civilian within 175m Active combat More than 5 cops online Puts the cop on a 40-second respawn timer Notifies via chat message that the officer has redeployed APD can now respawn at their last HQ Without navigating the spawn selection menu officers will now be able to quickly respawn at their last spawned at HQ with the press of a button Players with missing items from their loadouts can opt to "refill" you up to your loadout in the loadout menu Pure Heroin/Painkillers added to keybind menu Katiba to WPL for $70k Textures Gang Grim Fatigues - Haw0y Wraith Granits - Haw0y Trouble Fatigues - @ Mason Harrison Trouble Hatchback - @ Mason Harrison Trouble Van - @ Mason Harrison Trouble Box Truck - @ Mason Harrison Civilian Survival Fatigue variants now included in various shops Using Client Mod shows additional textures on the uniform, vanilla Arma just shows pants texture Granit-T can now be textured to any owned Granit texture via House Wardrobe Changed:
Added confirmation for requesting Medic services Vehicle scrap timer 5 minutes -> 1 minute RnR Ghost Hawk Supervisor -> Pararescue Fentanyl price changed from $12.5k -> $7.5k Minor update to Vandal hatchback Updated some messages in the Mod Shop Evidence locker being hacked only broadcasts to the APD Altis bank being defused hint now shows which bank was defused Deployable turret price changed from $2.7M -> $1.2M Removed the ability for Undercover officers to utilize their Civilian Council whitelist clothing Gang turfs now have additional randomized spawns Gang members that are rank 4 can now handle their gang's gang experience Gang war to all message condensed Storing a plane with a DP mission will query a confirmation to the user Fixed:
Broken Infected spawn on Rust Receiving gang invites while logging in Performance enhancement for Cleanup script Auction House purchase history displaying oldest sales instead of newest Logging out on Cop setting Civilian position to last Cop position Crash related to property key management 1km kills not counting in bench positions Rangefinders not displaying Co-Pilot name Players spawning in locked houses GangXP for Airdrop Vehicle claiming Paying off a large value parole with a four-figure cost exploit Players being able to relog to steal the same painting Vehicles despawning with physical inventory Restraining of other players within events Impounded vehicles acting as lethal injectors Dead player icons appearing for players who have not requested a medic APD Gear Escort not needing to be unsealed prior to being accessible Magazine prices not being properly added Optimized legacy interaction menu button generation Prevented restraining players during events Players getting stuck under Rebel boat on disconnect Notifications not being sent to players while they are on the login screen, the server now waits for them to hit play Remove firing pin button missing from the rob player interaction menu Entering a number larger than the number of items in an inventory/trunk not storing items Major optimizations to pulling bodies out and player corpses Optimized mission size Pharmaceutical sell canceling on player move Search bar inventories being selected by default Overlapping text on the Y wanted menu Cruise control now stops when the player has been tased View distance exploit Can't sell 140 items even though you can hold 150 Top Casino use title Players getting kicked if they're killed while escorting a restrained player Ability to place Speed bombs on players Gathering full inventories instantly Ability to bolt-cut inner dome before the exterior door was bolt-cut Backend issues and errors Map Sofia Bank performance bug Floating gas station NPC Unintended housing for sale Sofia HQ destroying helicopters on purchase Removed:
Remove the ability to scrap Y-Items attached to runs (Legal + Illegal) Textures LNT Gang Granit TP Gang CSATs NSFW Gang Fatigues The Misters Gang Fatigues Burst fire from AK12 and RPK Certain useless Chat messages Names from ban/kick chat messages