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Everything posted by Exterminator

  1. then go use it as a dildo instead of your uncle having to do all the work
  2. this server is just a public ffa for admin gangs to do whatever they want in
  3. olympus scum still trying to larp is wild
  4. this is all cool but @ -dante- unban me
  5. server hit gay retard status
  6. Yeah I quit too. Server is dog shit now that they don’t have competition among other life servers for players. No incentive to be good lmao. Only real competition is code4 koth atp.
  7. dont
  8. Debateable, but definitely when youre locked a corp or lower
  9. didnt die in the plane, the deputy you were in command of did however shoot me while I was innocent outside of the redzone, good try though
  10. no point in scamming when I have this much shit to sell, just did it with @ Kodakk no problem. updated list of whats still for sale Ill be able to get on the rest of the day for anyone else looking to buy
  11. no I definitely did RVD it but considering he was staring into bm AFTER clearing it 4 minutes prior means I know I can milk him for more than he can me
  12. 4m armed huron 12m mk1 taser 2m 300k 120m + ghost hawk (insured only) looking to do in person trades, ah tax too much and cba, if i wind up putting anything on there its gonna be more expensive than in person to not get hit with tax as hard
  13. saw a chance to bait a free mil and took it, disputing apd (not including aegis or retired sapd, theyre beyond rules) is pretty much always free money howd your report go on that incident buddy
  14. Why would you need counter proof if im claiming to have proof of something you say you didnt do? Why would you even worry then?
  15. wouldnt be a risk if you definitely didnt do it
  16. 10m total for all mar10s and granits includes mags
  17. make me decent offers and ill sell
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