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Adam Tricuit

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About Adam Tricuit

  • Birthday 09/27/2000

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    A d a m#8891

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  1. @G F What can I say? I'm not ashamed to admit I've made mistakes. If that's what a freak is, then count me in bro.
  2. What causes people to want to cheat? How does cheating hurt a game's very existence? In my experience I've noticed cheating starts at a very young age. It starts with something as silly as looking at each other's papers in grade school or changing the rules of a schoolyard game to give yourself an unfair advantage. This is an occasional offence but can seriously affect the individual if they are left unpunished for their actions. The reason this behavior sprouts is normally because of the child feeling inadequate, either academically or in other activities they're engaged in. Sometimes they develop a habit to constantly look for a shortcut or an unfair way to put themselves at the top because they believe that it is impossible for them to obtain success without it. But obviously that is completely false: Anyone can accomplish amazing things, as long as they put the right amount of effort towards their goal. Some cheaters don't have the capacity to understand that concept because they were never taught otherwise, therefore they never got the chance to. The individual ends up crawling their way through life with a playground mentality that denies them the ability to grow past their old ways. The person only can be helped if they want to change themselves. Cheating is crippling when it comes to a video game's population decline and economic growth, and here's why: At the very least, 5% of every video game's population are cheating in the game. That might not sound like a lot but with a game's population of about five-hundred-thousand, twenty-five-thousand of those players are likely to be cheating. That is more than enough of a percentage to encounter a hacker every couple of games. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that players don't like cheaters. What do you think happens when a player gets fed-up with how many cheaters they encounter on their favorite game? They quit the game! If not properly dealt with, these declines in the population of a game can drive video game developers into the ground: Completely bankrupt. And why? All because of a couple thousand script-kiddies with mommy issues. I am speaking from experience as I have multiple vac bans on my account. Cheating doesn't make you a bigger person, so grow up. If you are stuck in this cycle, you need to seek professional help because this behavior is deep-rooted. It will affect your personal relationships and hold you back. Hopefully you'll meet me in game, Adam Triscuit
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