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Tyrone Jefferson

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Everything posted by Tyrone Jefferson

  1. No. I asked you if you wanted to see it. Never said I was gonna share it.
  2. What are you talking about?
  3. Exactly. Why would I ever risk that? Also, imagine whining like a man child clown and being outed for it and crying about it for hours on the forums.
  4. Lmfao, you whining like a man child is no made up story it's your day to day life
  5. This implies you believe what you just said you didn't believe For sure, if a senior believes I should show them the full video to prove there was no discord call I'd be happy to do so.
  6. You believe something you have no proof of, just sketchy testimony. Sounds pretty dumb to me.
  7. Are you seriously this dumb?
  8. More proof that you're a disingenuous bitch. I said it's my push-to-mute key for teamspeak and it's the same for discord.
  9. What planet do you live on where you think you have me backed into a corner?
  10. It's also evidence that I had discord open while not in any calls and was pressing my push-to-mute button for teamspeak. If you want to be a disingenuous bitch that's on you, I don't mind. It's not proof of anything other than the fact that my discord was open.
  11. Why would I go out of my way to disprove something that there's 0 proof of? Whoever told you this is either deluded or just straight up lying. If you don't accept that I don't mind.
  12. Or like you could post one shred of evidence of anything you're alleging?
  13. 10/10 or you're just a man child with 0 ability to self-reflect.
  14. It is not mandatory to respond to banks
  15. I'd rather watch you two roll around in your delusions.
  16. You don't have to be in a call for discord to make those sounds if you have it open and are pressing your push-to-mute. 10 IQ Please do
  17. Your baseless claims mean nothing
  18. Your baseless claims mean nothing
  19. So first it was dying on your “it’s a fail raid” hill. Once you realized that held no water, then you moved onto blasting Diamond and Milo about how “my time is important and it was so unnecessary for me to be the there for that long” blaming them and us when the whole reason that took anywhere near that long was because you decided to slam your fists on the ground and cry like an indolent child when anyone would try to move the process along. To now, where you realize the hill you died on and “precious time” you spent whining did absolutely nothing for you, and you’re still looking to point blame at anyone but yourself for this being the less than ideal situation. Grow up Sovereign. Realize that you’re the maker of your own problems and look in the mirror.
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