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Tyrone Jefferson

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Everything posted by Tyrone Jefferson

  1. This is going to hit some of you as cringe but I don’t care. This community fosters a certain toxicity that arises in all of us at some point or another. I’m definitely guilty of this. I just wanted to write this post to apologize to anyone I’ve been an asshole to. I love this community and its members, you all have provided countless hours of fun for me and my friends. Thank you for that. I pledge to all of you today that from now on, regardless of how unreasonable I may think someone is being, I’ll treat y’all with the respect you deserve. I’d like to extend this apology especially to @ The Antichrist . We may not be friends or even like each other, but I’m sorry for the things I’ve said to you and hope we can look past them. Hope you all have a great weekend and me and my Titan will see you in-game
  2. Saturday I believe, 6 days ago.
  3. The Police: “looking for a suspect wearing a blue shirt who raped a child earlier today” Sov: Oh my god IM wearing a blue shirt. I need to be investigated immediately.
  4. Okay so another retard claim. Because you can hear me talking must mean that I’m talking in discord. Brilliant sov, brilliant.
  5. The investigation sounds pretty simple from what you’ve said. Sov’s bitch complaint of the day: “Tyrone was clearly streaming APD gameplay to his discord, you can tell from the vid he posted” People with braincells: “sounds of discord muting/unmuting isn’t proof of that” CLOSED
  6. That it’s a coincidence and worked out great for making a montage of you throwing a temper tantrum
  7. I never said it was to keep ts out of the videos, that’s just your monkey brain making shit up again.
  8. Hiding to you means leaving it in for everyone to hear? Big dumb dumb
  9. Or it’s more likely the case that there’s no proof of me doing anything wrong and you’re just doing your typical whiner bitch routine. Or you’re just delusional?
  10. The only thing being held up is your inflated ego being deflated. You’re a retard whining Karen. Myself and a number of other people enjoy watching you squirm and flop around the forums like an entitled child throwing temper tantrums. I think you’re a valuable member of the community here sov. Who else are we going to laugh at and make fun of if you leave?
  11. Those administrations probably share your low IQ nature
  12. Lmao says the 2 IQ monkey brain that thinks discord mute/unmute sounds means I’m streaming gameplay
  13. Yes I feel immensely compelled to appease you and one other person. and how exactly am I wasting their time? Lol
  14. Bruh you’re actually retarded.
  15. Thank god SAPD has a decent brain cell count. Wish I could say the same for you
  16. You're baseless claims mean nothing.
  17. Again, you’re a retard.
  18. You guys really are some of the dumbest people I’ve encountered. Never said it was the deafen sound, I’ve said numerous times it’s the push-to-mute button for my ts and discord. Learn to read retard.
  19. One is a question the other is a statement
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