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Everything posted by Nemnock

  1. Im gonna come back and gamble my way to the top once again boys, but instead of a 2.4 bill bank im gonna double it.
  2. Jets are illegal now and there is no counter nerf to APD i say we get to claim APD Ghawks for 5 mil each or, any cops rolling around with anything higher than what a normal civ can roll around with gets the value of the high tier items removed from their bank account. just a few ideas that came to mind.
  3. this still for sale?
  4. 4 Ghawks 2 Zafirs Sold Type 115 Taser RPG 8 Pilot Covs DMS PM Me your offer highest bidder wins
  5. Pm Me a price ill get back to you with a counter offer or if i like the deal sold
  6. Pm me your prices
  7. Pm me with prices
  8. Looking to buy a bunch of shit PM me with what you got and what you wanna sell it for ill get back to you with a response. Preferably bought on S1
  9. logging over now
  10. yea give me a min doing shit on s1
  11. ok
  12. How much we gonna bet?
  13. Server 1 log on and bet me
  14. Nah a 150 only
  15. just that simple 150m to end my betting habbits win or lose
  16. 50-100m bet message me in game when you log on ill come bet you
  17. 30m bet
  18. 4 Crater DP 2 house fully upgraded with 2900 storage good for oil and cocaine PM offers if interested
  19. thanks man back up to 200m
  20. Bet me 80m
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