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Everything posted by Snake

  1. https://imgur.com/a/C6IG0Gc send offers
  2. o7 sov. What a roller coaster wait LMAO marketplace subforum I LOVE THIS FUCKING TROLL
  3. Im not sure if im just lucky but ive only had a staff member be reasonable and speak to me a single time in the 5 times ive received a ban in the last year. The variability of bias and experience on this server are extreme and while i do think its impractical to implement what OP is discussing, having a structure that allows you to handle the siutation without being sidelined for days or weeks at a time would be beneficial. The website is not communicative enough and is not the same as speaking to someone in voice. I've been banned for 3 days for saying "imagine lethally injecting someone running oil" in side chat and seen RDM bans overturned within minutes. That is dumb as hell and the admin who banned me was and is still a retard for that. There should be something in place to make things fair and more balanced when rules are broken.
  4. the more complicated you make the rule the more complicated it is to enforce and verify in videos
  5. One thing is for sure, nothing is concrete in the rules and group engagement is group engagement. leave it alone and if a decision is made it needs to be put in the server rules on the wiki and not highlighted as a forum post
  6. shes right. Most games in the 90s were all inverted. anyone above 30 has a higher chance of preferring inverted, and 40+ is almost all inverted
  7. Bis meth house and garage for sale hmu 

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I would like to buy it can you get on right now?  My time frame is only 3 days after that it's a no deal from me. HMU

    2. Snake
  8. @ Grandma Gary yo can I get reinstated you and I both know the reason I got removed was bogus and wouldn’t happen in 2023
  9. we did just get mako in trouble for eping a guy thru a wall idk what the consequences were tho. The player was comped 300k for this incident
  10. Ok we need some info on why people are angry please inform us normally this would be sovs job 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skys


      wasn't unjustly 

    3. Boovin


      @ Skys have you seen the state of your steam profile bud sort your own life out before you worry about anyone else‼️

    4. Skys


      @ Boovin thanks for looking at my steam profile glad you enjoyed 



    1. stayclaxxy


      POV: America in 2026 after Ukraine has received their next 400B in aid packages.

  12. RDM at gas station robberies is a serious issue and happens at almost every single one I go to as a vigi. Shot before I can even attempt to initiate. 

    Is there anything we can do to resolve this? Just make them a redzone or something, so that legitimate players can have a chance to shoot the people who are going to RDM them anyway

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Millennium


      It gives them a notification that it is not a KOS area when they rob a gas station.

      If it were KOS people could be at a gas station, and instead of initiating on someone they can just press the button and then immediately shoot other people.

    3. Skys


      sounds like you need to let position yourself better instead of standing in the open and maybe try to shoot back tasers are broken 

    4. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      im rp smashing ur go pro

  13. There aren’t event 250 active forum users the game is a decade old. It set the goal post too high for realistic engagement
  14. this fell off after issue 2. gonna need stronger work with real news like last time
  15. Deputy Snake reporting for duty. I'm gonna make you proud @ Winters @ Karma @ Nate

    1. SPBojo


      I give it 3 days before blacklist, AT MOST.

    2. Mister Miracle

      Mister Miracle

      Deputy miracles here to assist with the lethaling of fellow cops. Great news to see that it is now acceptable behavior

  16. She’s right. why the fuck can’t medics use auto hover? They can’t land in combat and do crazy combat landings anyway. If they get shot at they have to fuck off. Let them use auto hover, that’s some retard turbo nerd shit preventing them from doing that Auto hover is in the game because arma is a shit game with shit mechanics and a wrong tap can blow your whole helicopter up. It’s turbo nerd shit to prevent progress based on that The faction consists of walking up to people and hitting windows key. Let them do that in whatever gets them from point to point fastest with the path of least resistance
  17. Happy unrealistic birthday @ Warfare  

  18. Snake

    New player

    reach out to the sovereign for help
  19. Speaking of Vigis, can we please do a review of what licenses can be seized or lowered for? as things stand you can get completely fucked out of hundreds of hours of work for extremely minor shit. I understand we want people to follow the law if they’re vigi, but charges like party to a crime lowering tier really can hurt someone who may not have done anything. I saw a friend have a tier lowered when he was just shy of t5 (3 or 4 arrests) all the way back to 3 for party to a crime. He did not engage the police at all, specifically because he’s a vigilante, but he still caught a charge because we were fighting the cops. This is lame and shouldn’t happen. Vigi is way too hard to grind to allow any cop to make the decision to lower a rank or remove it. Perhaps we make that be a SGT+ decision point. Anything at all that makes that grind less intensely scary. I was having so much fun playing vig until I found out about party to a crime. If any of my friends shoot at cops I could lose all my hard work over it - it’s not a fair charge and needs removed
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