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Everything posted by phazewun

  1. Super sad to see so many good people leaving all of a sudden.
  2. Who cheats in a basketball game is a better question !
  3. Zeus i would like to say thank for your commitment to the server, it has been a pleasure to play with you and i wish you all the best in the future. Kevin - Phazewun
  4. Hoping my internet is up at the new house ! Arma 3 withdraws

  5. In-Game Name: Phazewun Stream Name: Shipz_ Stream Link: http://www.twitch.tv/shipz_ Stream Times: almost 24-7 If im online ill be streaming. Extra Info: My name is Kevin i am a Corporal in the APD, i spend almost all my time playing as a police officer and or medic.
  6. Welcome to the server enjoy your time ! Phaze
  7. Drunk and gocarts = ban - HOLY SHIT IT SUCKS !!! #missmyaltis

    1. LongInactiveAccount


      Aye bruv #missmyaltis

    2. CIA JOSH
    3. monster


      admins are bias towards phaze, change my mind

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