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Shabiki v2

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  1. the problem was resolved and headless treated me with respect. +rep to headless for handling my toxicity so well. i am sorry for being a retard. although i would have liked to see the evidence right away, it is what it is. although some admins are powertripping retards, i was wrong about this man. 


    the evidence he showed me did warrant an rdm ban, although i distinctly remember telling that retard hands up or die because i wanted to protect the people of kavala without getting banned, since i am supposed to be a reformed player. idk, maybe my mic wasn't detected or that scummy scat photoshopped my voice out of the video, but it is what it is and i am going to take full punishment for my actions, especially after acting like such a dumbass.

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    2. Shabiki v2

      Shabiki v2

      i am trying to rectify my actions fuck you. nobody wants to hear half the shit you make as your status. i can guarantee you that. at least i was trying to talk about important shit, so i thought, until i found out i was wrong, and now i am owning up to it. fuck off. way to ruin the mood retard

    3. monster
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