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About WatsonMinot

  • Birthday 08/18/1989

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. If this is real, that is pretty awesome man good work.
  2. Is there a reason RCO isnt unlocked for civs? Thats deff my favorite.
  3. He is a fun person to fight on private servers, good training buddy. He does not seem like he hacks in my server.
  4. Edited in a pic of me - I have never really used Olympus forums, until joining APD a few months ago. I figured I would make one of these so some of the people I play with know who I am since a few have been asking in the APD TS. My IGN is simply Watson. I was going by Trevor Phillips for a long time, but as I get older I just want to keep it simple and use my real name now days. I am 26, and live in Minot, North Dakota which is literally right on the border of Manitoba Canada. I am married with a 2 year old daughter, and I am a mechanic for the Air Force on B-52 Bomber. I recently applied to move to Guam for a few years, so if that happens I will do my best to stay active here. I am in NW, Mobundo was my first friend when I joined and still chill with him today. Thanks brother for making Olympus fun btw Other than that, I love the RP side of Altis Life, much more than I do the combat. You will always see me getting rekt, and always see me raging. I have a rage problem with video games. (You should have seen me on Call Of Duty, lol) But when it all is said and done, I do not mean any of the things I say. I respect everyone here, I do not think there is a single person here who I can say "I do not like that guy". Get to know me, overlook the in-game gang beefs and we can probably be great friends Have fun people.
  5. Please dont go man, you are my favorite partner
  6. Im having an issue with the mission cache, Altis runs fine for a long time, but my fps starts dropping lower and lower as the time goes. Eventually its unplayable, and I am forced to go into appdata and delete the cache and restart. What could be causing this?

    1. zero the kitten

      zero the kitten

      delete all of your porn

    2. Billcosbywarfare


      Clear you disc and run a disk defragment!

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