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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Talindor

  1. Ok, thx bro.
  2. I want your house and garage pm me please.
  3. Talindor


    It is to my understanding they have a chart/list of sorts that they go through for the potential promotions on every rank leading up. We have quite the APD force and Deputies being added on the daily. I have been in certain channels and heard particular individuals (cussing up a storm, hating the world) inquiring about their ride along as they have been in their positions for more than two months. There are a couple of factors to look into in regards to promotions. In your case you are doing the most important part in your position, RP. While others need to wonder and look to themselves to see if they need to improve on one of these key factors; Their ability to coach and help the deputies with the policies and procedures, High amounts of RP even when it counts the most. By this I mean being able to keep your cool under pressure or handling a really hard cased Civilian regardless if they break RP or not. < This is a must because it is a direct reflection on how well you lead your team, and you set the example in your current position/rank, also the respect from the lower ranks. If you have been practicing these qualities and they are not an issue you have nothing to worry about. I am sure the Lieutenants know of your potential but have their plates full at the moment. It will come Squall.
  4. Wow, hits for hits keep'em commin.
  5. Exactly!
  6. Three units rolled up on Three rebels in a clan at Gang-Hideout, after fighting it out with them, got them restrained and situation was neutralized. Within five minutes, three more related clan members rolled up into the city (DP) and proceeded to shoot into the gang hideout killing 2 of the 3 officers there. APD responded in code 3 straight into the city to apprehend the rebels. After all was said and done, this clan wishes to speak to higher up on how wave rule was broken to access the situation in the DP area. That was not the case, RP was not used in this situation, as I mentioned this is for those that do not take the time to review and read the rules or guidelines, not for you and those that know the rules already. No this was not a crutch as you say. There is no point to where officers are to be RDM'd outside of said zone without proper RP I.E. hands up/release our friends or DIE. I enjoy the attack on me and my post but it sholuld be directed to those not RP'ing. Some rebels and clan groups pull this off smoothly, while others rolled up just like in this situation, and preceded to RDM two of my officers, No RP, no warning, nothing. After we apprehended all of them, took them to HQ, they wanted to speak to the sergeant (not present at the time) to tell them that we broke wave rule. So again, to those senior members and those that know the rules, please read carefully before you make a post suggesting something that isn't.
  7. This is not ment for the ones who know the rules, Wrice, it is ment for those who don't hence this post is not for you.
  8. Once a hideout is captured, it becomes an illegal area, everything within the sandbags making up the perimeter of the structure (until further notice), makes up the red-zone. Any activity in red zones, and areas actively engage such as Federal reserve and Prison, permits fire fights within respected zones against APD and rebels. Anything outside of those areas, shooting and such is a separate engagement and will be treated as such. If this was not the case, there would be no red zones or illegal areas to begin with. Prime example as follows; APD rolls up on suspects with a vehicle inside gang-hideout, after approx. 3 min. of exchanging fire, some died in both parties and a few restrained. The suspects have back-up coming within the city and fire at remaining APD force from several houses outside of Gang hideout within the DP. In this particular case, the APD responds to the threat in the city to neutralize it as a separate engagement. It is a lot easier to look up the rules and spend some time reviewing them for your benefit before going about for another ten minutes believing that it was unjust and unfair verbally. The solution to this is to have your fellow mates enter said area of engagement to help out and the following protocol will follow accordingly. Just an FYI.
  9. Or those particular Civ's that love to preach the APD handbook's Do's and Don'ts, and get it all mixed up in the process. The ever so popular, "You cannot enter Gang hideout for the reason of it being a civilian home." Civilian home? Really? lol.
  10. Particular Heli's can toss ropes, in some cases they are glitched while others they are not.
  11. All of these replies and no one has made a point to encourage recording? If you feel you have been wronged at that point involving the APD, record it, submit it, and investigation will follow. People post in forums, stories of how unfair a particular situation is for the whole of the world to view, in some cases to promote propaganda (not saying this is one of those cases). If it's something worth doing, it is worth doing right, am I right?
  12. I'm still laughing
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