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Everything posted by Gerald

  1. Praise Allah for the beheadings of the impure starting with snake
  2. Banned perm can't to play again run drugs and stuff

  3. If i donate 400'quarters to the server what do I get

    1. D3V1L


      400 quarters = $100..

    2. Gerald


      Correct. You so smert. :)

  4. Is it true? Have I lost you my snake. Come back in mah arms and hold me close snake <(^_^)>

    1. Pte Howard

      Pte Howard

      What happened to snake?

  5. So bored anyone want to be hostage.

  6. Thank god. I passed my act test with a 28/32

    1. Snake


      I thought the ACT was out of 36..?

    2. D3V1L
    3. Sam1898


      It is in fact out of 36

  7. This is me
  8. Got held up and lost my zamak to colonel. Love you Colonel

  9. Waiting for hades and my app

  10. My rdm was not the main reason of my rdm the story was with my clan that I have disbanded from telling me a false story
  11. You getting mad is also a way of showing that you need a grow up. First off the rdm was a story that I settled admins I'm not saying cause it none of you business. Second if I did vdm someone it was with my sirens or accident if I did kill them I said sorry and comped if needed. The whole story does not involve you so stop being so emotional it. It not like I have seen you rdm or even vdm so don't go on a rampage. Also Jamal just so you know I do have anger issues you can even call my doctor
  12. I have been on this server for a long time and have enjoyed it. I can remember all the times getting caught by cops or arresting a murderer. But with my anger issues getting out of hand all I can is I'm sorry. If I yell at you don't take it to your feelings. I am trying to watch my anger as best I can.
  13. Should take about two days at max or at least that's how I took me
  14. White listed vigs
  15. We'll if you want white listed cops then just become a cop
  16. Gerald


    Snake judging people is not your job
  17. Gerald


    Snake needs to give me all of his money
  18. Stupid weatherman said it will snow next week

  19. Thanks for the review I will be sure to not execute you <3
  20. Out for the season for both football and basketball :( I hate broken legs it hurts and ruins your fun

    1. Sam1898


      Gerald, like I said before, you should be thankful you have not torn anything. You can recover from a break, but with a tear you never come back 100%. You got 3 full years of football that I would have gave an arm and a leg for.(Gave a leg for 2 years) It does suck to be ripped away from your team like that your senior year and I wish you a speedy recovery.

  21. omg i am in so much pain i broke my leg in football practice today and there was a game tomorrow

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lt_Grim626


      damn man get better soon

    3. Wheatkings


      guess that means you'll be on the servers more then :D Get well!

    4. Gerald


      its gonna be zeus all over again kappa

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