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Hambone Jones

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Hambone Jones's Achievements


Immigrant (1/7)



  1. So much RDM Q.Q

    1. ThundermIlf


      Agree'd and I play cop most of the time.

  2. Yea I've been told about these Christmas parties.. lookin' to put in a resume for the APD.
  3. Yea it was Virus and Derek xD My first vigi job ran amuck thanks to an RDMer.. hopefully my support ticket/video has an impact!
  4. Hey what's up people. It's my first time here to the forums and I just thought I'd say hello. Although I know I have already ran into some of ya on Olympus #2. Shout outs to the cops who gave me a second chance to turn my life around. I probably won't sell any more coke this week! Remember to stay off of Hambone's block!
  5. Looks like trouble for ol' Hambone

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