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different poseidon

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Posts posted by different poseidon

  1. On 7/31/2022 at 10:32 AM, coopacarp said:

    Damn bro saying it should be a community vote but I'm pretty sure the only people complaining about this is the weirdos in Silla lmfao, even if it was a community vote this would still pass. That's an awesome change tbh, you don't NEED more than 5 houses, I don't think I ever owned more than 3? Tf do you need more than 5 bruh

    it wouldnt

  2. 24 minutes ago, Moonini said:

    Bruh i havent been on but I have 2 fucking houses lmao. I sold 3 of them and gracie bought one cuz im not a prick


    and the point til stands w big forehead slayer

    proceeds to sell a house to someone with more than 5 houses

  3. 13 hours ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

    There’s a difference, I do work behind the scenes with tickets that help the community. Complaining on the forums that you can’t have multiple houses spread across multiple accounts is doing nothing but hurting the community. 

    damn bruh tickets that's wild u can tell what's wrong with the server without playing that's so epic

    funny you know what is good for the community when u deal with tickets and get  just to play apd for a hour your opinion will be valid when you have more civ hours than me

  4. silla fed season 10 wins in a row then  1 loss

    3 hours ago, eknjack said:

    You’ve proven yourself an idiot once again - say I’m a cop main despite me not actually holding a cop whitelist so you pull up 191 hours - 190 of which were 2 years ago at the start of the pandemic then bring up your olympus balance? Like what the fuck did your parents do to you as a child? Beat you over the head with a club? you stupid fuck

    never called u a cop main i said ive only seen you on cop retard never called u a cop main 

    On 7/31/2022 at 6:28 AM, ThatNerdyGuy said:

    Player who hoards houses that never plays is upset they can not hoard houses from a community that is moving towards a single server. This is something that should’ve happened years ago. I’ve played here since 2016, you know how many accounts I have? One. 

    u hardly play either 

    • STFU 2
  5. 30 minutes ago, coopacarp said:

    lol my cusin pfp by CalebTheBigEngine on DeviantArt

    i may be a pro retard but atleast i frag off and we win feds

    1 hour ago, Molon Labe said:

    cry more. become active. 

    copy pasting what i said inur discord 


    Ivy:  Not true if you actually think that works. I spent millions on houses and time put into getting them for my gang members that use them every single day. They don't go up for sale, I don't run out of money, your argument is invalid. You people want to take the easy road yet fuck over 100s of people.

    [7:36 AM]
    All because you guys are lazy.



    Response (ME): 

    • So ironic to say the easy road isn’t you giving your monopoly of houses to your gang members to use. You’re inactive anyways, let the houses be back on the market for active players. It’s not like silla doesn’t recruit everyone in kav anyways, let one of them buy your houses. You are the one fucking over people hoarding houses like it’s your fifth mcchicken. So ironic
      Cringe really
      How you gonna bitch about it when you don't play
      Ivy: “The houses are for my gang 😡😡””
      Also Ivy: Asking someone in her gang who they are bc she literally doesn’t know whose in her gang bc she’s inactive and subsequently ripping their tags 
      You're actually a loser though. You're upset that your 13+ Houses are getting ripped when you havent played in a hot fucking minute. Its quite comical to think you have a say in the matter. Touch grass? let one of ur gang members take the houses , if you even know whose in silla anymore. Offbrand Kav Scats

    you havent even been on either shut your bitchass up moonini and im pretty sure slayer has more houses than ivy if not then dang

  6. 57 minutes ago, coopacarp said:


    Yea stfu you compulsive liar. You don't help fucking anyone, you might meet someone that is toxic and ratty like the rest of you and take him in but you never make the server enjoyable for normal new people, nobody likes going near Kav, it was never like that before. Again, maybe annoying slightly with DB but I never actively wanted to fucking strangle someone so bad than when you guys had Kav lol.

    HA, not just his experience which is why the whole server despises Silla except for Silla members.

    CAP, you don't even play anymore and you are dog shit at reprimanding because you definitely have repeat offenders who break rules.

    They recruit people they like and that are as awful as them, the average new person would be shot on sight by Silla, go in kav and walk around for a while and you will see them gat new people constantly. You must not have much experience with them if you think new people are the ones breaking the rules in their gang and nobody else.

    Comparing a guy who spent like 15 hours a day on the server primarily getting homes to the average person with a life and job who can only play a couple hours a day at most? Yea maybe just stop putting your opinions on this post...

    You're right, 15-20 person silla member that is xd ivy alone owns like 13 bruh

    Nobody cares that you wasted your life getting a virtual house, the point is you actually have 0 hours on this server almost every week, you DO NOT USE THEM lmfao, you don't even need 1 house let alone 13+. Time for the active player base to take over and USE the houses unlike you retard.

    Federal events makes sense to have 5+ houses, most people who do runs outa their houses only do 1-2 runs (silla literally only does weed and copper) so why do you need more than 5 houses for 2 fucking runs? There are more than 2 federal events so owning a house at each one, makes sense you would need like 5+ houses.

    If you go so hard you can fill 5 houses and need more, it's time to re-evaluate your priorities in life.

    i never see your ass on coopacarp dont wanna hear it i filled 5 houses in the span of 1h 3 4 craters and 2 2 craters how does federal events makes sense to have 5+ houses ur just getting in a truck and going to gold trader most of the time last time i remember doing a fed mf coopacarp u did jack shit mf silla fed season w10-L1 also we dont recruit people awful people we arn't awful either  and u say the average new player is shot on sight by silla not really maybe if you went to kav you would see also theres only a couple that despises silla not once have i seen ivy lie i did see ivy help out new recruits and invite new players to silla tho also theres alot of people not just silla that owns more than 5 houses also (They are a majority rotten cunts, there are very few that are good so just reverse that first statement and I will agree) theres others more toxic and bigger cunts than any of silla that are in other gangs also mf taysav was so good man got permed for scripting when he was not so idk i think if u want to have 15 houses go for it its your money 

    12 minutes ago, eknjack said:

    Your a spastic, regular players can’t view who owns a house and who’s realistically going to join the APD for the sole reason of checking a specific house’s registered owner just to ultimately get turned down or given a shit price when they offer to buy the house - and that’s if the person even still plays like with Ivy and those other silla mongs with 4 accounts and 0 hours played over the past 3+ months  

    most of the time they just end up finding the person who owns the house anyways also i have 8 houses i dont see a issue and tbh if someone got apd to try to buy a house from me id turn them down 1 its my house 2 i dont want to sell it 3 if i went on break and didnt play still dont mean i wont come back 4 ofc if i gave u a pricey number cause there any one around like it 

    1 hour ago, CaloomClark said:

    What i’m getting at is if he has to check realtor constantly for 15hours and maybe only pickup a decent house every week or so, then there is no hope for the average player to get one. Use your brain and try comprehend what i’m saying

    then they must not want they house pretty badly 

    • STFU 1
  7. 1 hour ago, CaloomClark said:

    What i’m getting at is if he has to check realtor constantly for 15hours and maybe only pickup a decent house every week or so, then there is no hope for the average player to get one. Use your brain and try comprehend what i’m saying

    just make a offer to the person of the house u trying to get if they decline oh well get one 2 blocks away theres no problem in that 

    • STFU 1
  8. 1 hour ago, CaloomClark said:

    Cheese played up to 15 hours a day on Olympus, checking the realtor extremely often to find houses. Don’t compare that majestic beast to the average player

    if he can find houses other people can to not hard theres still a decent amount of 4 craters in kavala alone

  9. 3 minutes ago, Pol said:

    So you think people who don't play the game should hoard houses? How do you not think that this is a problem? Server lag & runs are not the TOD.

    at max they own about 15-20 houses the house tax already got increased also most houses u can just buy off of people for like 10-20m  more depending on the location theres about 500 houses so i see no point in this with the amount of houses/buildings on the map i looked earlier bunch of 4 craters in kavala still for sale id rather them fix server lag so im not trying to fight people while yellow chaining and them adding more runs could entice new players and or adding double processing to legal goods adding another  way to make more money would be nice but instead civ councils trying to kill off the server faster than mako i have no issue with people owning more than 5 houses cause most of the time u can just buy it off them for a price and if they dont wanna sell then its ok could be there gear house or there personal house they use for runs housing was never a issue from what i saw mf cheese out here selling houses left to right. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Pol said:

    The only people who are mad about this change are the ones causing the problem let's be honest here

    not true not once have i seen someone complain about not being able to get a house mf cheese was out here selling houses left and right but instead of fixing server lag and optimizing it or adding new runs they decide to fuck players that own more than 5 houses over

    cigar/cigarette run got denied vigi hq denied cool things for the server basically got denied the amount of striders that can be pulled for fed denied i was sitting in a mf tower at a fed saw 5 cop striders and 5 hunters roll in like bruh kinda op when 5/10 of those are lethals 

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