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  1. why tf is everyone arguing on something so stupid
  2. Azell


    Bro you grinded too 400 million from drugs and you sound retarded cause im 16 fat ass
  3. Azell


  4. Azell


  5. Azell


    BRO WHO ARE YOU AND I NEVER CHEATED THERES NO VIDEO PROOF YOU MONG you mayonnaise sandwich muncher, literally only a picture from an application that didn't get accepted so now you can also hop off my dick that's why the title is petty because all these people under my post are all saying im cheating your just mad yall all got shit on and still butthurt to this day about it yall all cant get over anything that's why this server is dying egotistical social rejects like you every single one of you think yall are better than someone else cause a fucking admin rank or some dumb bull shit but it if yall meet me or anyone else in real life youll be the biggest bitch made yall keep calling me 13 but yall don't know me if any off you lives in new jersey i wanna run the 1s your calling people trash on an olympus arma 3 forums Whos trying to act hard if someoe is riding my dick with no license giving me the g awk gawk 3000 ima say something about it cause theres no reason for it you retard and you keep coming back wasting your time like go get a life weirdo.
  6. Azell


    but if a random posted it yall wouldnt be on his dick why yall on mine get the fuck outta here you wooden tooth bitch your still on the forums of a dying server
  7. Azell


    didnt you say who will write a paragraph for an unban when your writing one for some 13 year old
  8. Azell


    Still on my dick ? its getting weird now who even are you? your also riding my dick never met you hop off Bro your whole gang cheated and you still didnt win conq Mr they were randoms and we invited them to the gang Yea 6 months ago and I wasn't even cheating I was just chillin and its kinda weird how monster still recognizes my voice after 6 months.
  9. Azell


    Thank you and they dont even have proof of me cheating
  10. Azell


    yes maybe
  11. Azell


    dont mind the first few seconds
  12. Azell


    well that was long enough to be the best arma player of that time
  13. Azell


    im zanahoria from way back when and im banned for cheating even though they have no video evidence only a pic not of me cheating thoguh.
  14. Azell


    It's been a while, Olympians. I just wanted to post something about my ban here for everyone to see. Whenever I appeal my ban, they give it zero attention even though I write lengthy paragraphs detailing why I should be unbanned, etc. However, every single ban appeal receives the same message with zero effort expended in responding to it or even providing me with a reason. yes, it would be wonderful to have at least some explanation. Also, I've been banned for more than a year; I'm not sure whether they're doing it because they dislike me, but how can you dislike someone you haven't spoken to in over a year or at all? Let me know what yall think if they don't take this down
  15. We all have nothing but great memories with dabest may he rest in piece
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