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T Rex

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  1. Ermmmmmmmmm. Aktually I'm not dumb
  2. And you're calling someone out on it. Good for you. Deep down in your psyche, you must require relevance, maybe a past emotional trauma or something along those lines. While I can appreciate the honesty in your not wanting to read my intellectual blabber, I do not commend you on trying to let everyone know. Obviously, this goes back to my previous statement of you needing validation and a wanting to feel desired or needed. In my professional opinion, I would recommend to you self-gratification exercises in order for you to feel enough without needing others' validation.
  3. You typed to say you are not reading. Do you think people really care what you do with your life? You are not relevant enough to type, not reading all that. No one knows you, no name. Stay irrelevant <3.
  4. I just said what everyone is thinking at all times. Also, my brain is in peak form. Typing to Mongols on a forum does not deplete my brain power or cause my senses to be used at high capacity.
  5. No one thinks you should be anything but in the dirt, bozo.
  6. No, Everyone is in agreement that I should be promoted to Senior Admin at once.
  7. What is HRT big bro?
  8. I'll look into that if you vote me for admin.
  9. So, you are farming impressions on an Arma 3 forum. You don't have better things to be doing?
  10. They are very similar claims. Also, you do cry on the forums. Why lie to yourself? Are you that far gone?
  11. I ain't reading allat. I'll be corrupt only for you. Also, you said none of this is relevant to my original claims that you cry on the forums. However, the screenshots are sufficient proof that you do in fact cry on the forums. Instead of giving this unintellectual blabber, please form sentences that even a fourth-grader could compute.
  12. Please hold. Here are a few examples from the past months. If anything, you spend a bit too much time on the Oly forums.
  13. Every time you die, you cry or make a forum post. I think the community would love The Sovereign ban campaign that I would lead.
  14. Yeah, this is my resume. Please refrain from comparing me to yourself, as it diminishes my campaign. Thanks for your concerns, however. Really feels like I fit the bill here perfectly, Marcus. Thanks for your input. Glad to know you are a supporter.
  15. Hello, fellow Olympus players. I am announcing this speech today as an official statement that I am running for staff. I would enjoy it if you took the time out of your totally very busy lives to listen to this speech. My key points of this speech are Old Olympus, Current Olympus, and how to fix that. First, Old Olympis. While I wasn't around as long as some of you interesting fellows I will state that when I originally joined the server, it was still hustling and bustling. The Kavala streets were still full of glorious RDM’ers, and the Silla rats were “ON TOP”. Cartels were fun to fight, and runs still filled the land. You could rob fools and do federal events without getting mar-10d in the skull. Playing on both factions, I would say that RP was great, and the balance was in a good place. Some senior cops had a stick up their asses as they do, but for the most part, the force was fun and interesting. I still remember the early days patrolling the streets and killing the ops, as the hood rats say. The events changed slowly, AND THEY MOVED THE FUCKING PYRGOS BANK. FUCK FUCK FUCK. Anyways back on topic, they made the events harder bc who the fuck asked for that. NO ONE. Now, only the admin groups could strive. Or the Zergs are full of pigshit players. While I respect the decision to make events harder, they needed to up the loot or smthn. Players and gangs should win. The server strives in a player-centered environment. The cop faction should be there for fun RP and a bit of challenge. We didn’t need them to become the strongest Gang on the server. That shit just ain’t fun. And I played on both sides. The cop gameplay went downhill when it got more serious and sweaty. Like, what is the point, my brothas? Anyway, enough about this rant onto the current state of Olympus. So far, I have logged on twice in the past month or so. Server, downhill. Runs, no one doing them. Events, well, me playing with a small group, forget about it. Bans RAMPANT. HOLY FUCK, I HAVE BEEN BANNED WITHIN 10 FUCKING MINUTES TWICE IN MY LAST PLAY SESSIONS. SINCE WHEN DID THIS COMMUNITY BECOME SO FUCKING SOFT. FUCK THESE FUCKING LIVE BANS. Anyways, as I was stating, the bans are a bit out of control. I am, as I would say, a bad boy, so I like breaking rules; however, don’t make me suffer the consequences of my actions. With my new staff role, I could just simply ratio these crybabies. I could tell them to go fuck themselves without consequences. Another point I want is the staff point shop. Shit is free-elo. HAND IT OVER. Why does no one do runs, I wonder, MAYBE BECAUSE THE STAFF POINT SHOP IS FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. How I would make Olympus better. Ban appeals and bans. I would simply look at who made the argument better if you are a crybaby and are not spitting epic insults. NO BAN. If you are a beast, Chad, obviously in the wrong, but verbally assault another community member, you will be immune from my ban hammer. Also, I take cash bribes as well as Steam gift cards. Also, I would advocate for crybabies to get banned. If you are a crybaby, please do not support my campaign, as you are not the target audience. Supporters of this campaign, please reach out to me, as you will never get banned by me if I am to be elected. In fact, I will become a pocket admin that bans your every enemy like these fucks to do me. In summary, I think I would be a great fit because I have great ideas and am an unbiased source. How would I have favorites when, quite frankly, I hate you all. Anyways, thanks for the read, and please support my campaign by sending some of the fat admins donut bribes or DoorDash Gift Cards.
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