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Ricky Falzo

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Posts posted by Ricky Falzo

  1. Point proving no recordings no proof. stfu anti only reason i liked you cause we had the same leadership skills. I see why everyone fucking hates you 

    like im removing JD off the shit list and placing CTF in it, PS Bring it WAR +PA+


  2. PS 88 FUCK YOU AND THE CLIQUE U CLAIM THE CREW YOU RUN WITH AND THE RECORDED LABEL YOU SIGNED WITH im getting +PA+ no name unbanned from you "Petty" report and if it doesnt imma make a post on general about this bullshit ban. just mad that we roached your Black Water acouple weeks ago. THANKS FOR THE AT JEEP BTW and we tried again and NO NAME a 14 year old SMOKED 5 or 6 88 members this time. just mad cause your ass is old first thing you do is pick up the phone SNITCH c'om old motherfucker its on mad that PA is up in ur home BITCH

    He loves this game and barely every breaks the rules I think this is his 2nd ban every 

    If he doesn't get this banned lifted imma post up the ban video and show everyone how bullshit this ban really is 

    He was in elephant grass and their was two APD cars in his line of sight I.E Why he shot that 88 member while he was tied up. "HE DIDNT KNOW"

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    • Weird 3
    • Clown 1
    • STFU 3
  3. 16 minutes ago, SPBojo said:

    Your name has not been mentioned a single time in the last 100 days as per civ council meetings go.



    ...I mention her name once in CC about her swim suit tactic in cartels and thats why they were changing it. Iv only been to one meeting and it had nothing to do with you anti and tbh I really don't know why they changed the cartels cause im pretty sure it was the meeting before I joined CC so what your saying Anti is a pure lie and a odd flex. Iv never recorded the meeting nor did I share any info aside from me sending you that message on the IG phone the day the cartels changed  and i didnt think that was sharing info of the development of the game server but the personally opinion of some council men "Not senior or head of CC" it was light banter. Personally after this No wonder your not CC. Put up the recording of the CC meeting right now to prove your not lying or proof of any bias bullshit. PS can I retract my vote I pick  Big John even though their mad about +PA+  roaching their blackwater:D FREE NO NAME  

    PS 88 FUCK YOU AND THE CLIQUE U CLAIM THE CREW YOU RUN WITH AND THE RECORDED LABEL YOU SIGNED WITH im getting +PA+ no name unbanned from you "Petty" report and if it doesnt imma make a post on general about this bullshit ban. just mad that we roached your Black Water acouple weeks ago. THANKS FOR THE AT JEEP BTW and we tried again and NO NAME a 14 year old SMOKED 5 or 6 88 members this time. just mad cause your ass is old first thing you do is pick up the phone SNITCH c'om old motherfucker its on mad that PA is up in ur home BITCH

    • Like 1
  4. Pick me pick me pretty please, Iv lilterally got a 1000hours on this server within 4 to 6 months, i lost track its so sad 😢 i live off a mill today because most of my profits go to my shopping habbit or into my gang.

    I was weekly mvp for the whole month

    alsoMVP for the month. and i live a sad life like legit why i play this game all the time, if u can just help a homie out with anything. or put my prize under donations because i much rather see this game life and build on it self , then some free shit know what I mean.....

    Ricky Falzo ❤️ Love you all

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