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Wuk Lau

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Everything posted by Wuk Lau

  1. As a member of the Asian community i approve of this post!
  2. Well what im saying is that most the rules are in favor of the APD. Some of the staff members are also APD members and whenever there is a rule breaking problem where it was not in purpose it becomes very one sided and the staff that is there to sort the problem out are mostly APD members so it gets one sided and benefiting the APD. What im saying is that APD have 2 much power if its a big gang facing them or not, this has nothing to do with skill its just stupidity in my opinion. Staff members that investigates in these matters where there's a situation with the APD should NOT be a APD member as they usually picks the APD's side most of the time. This has nothing to do with FEDERALS only its about in general. Free kits, no NLR, waves, ghost hawks etc etc. and im talking about the APD having free kits etc etc
  4. So i am making this campaign against the COPS. First of all FUCK APD. So what i need everyone to do is to write +1 to sign that you've agreed that cops are 2 op and 2 privileged. WE the citizen of Altis WE need 2 make a change we need too show the APD that they can't do shit against us. My name is Wuk Lau a refugee from China but ended up in this shithole in Altis, my time here has shown me that the cops aint shit if we unite our forces. Say no to the cops and say no to their privileges. Wuk out
  5. Kevin is offically free and u guys gonna be pissed on
  6. China numba uno, yo people be hella mad, my suggestion is stop getting shitted on and get good at the game rather than hatin on my guy KEVON, Wuk Lau out of here
  7. People be mad at kevin for dooming ur asses, FREE KEVIN, HE GOT LOCKED UP FOR NO REASON, ADMINS GOTTA TAKE A LOOK AT THEIR SHIT, no script just good at the game, why u heff to be med
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