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Papa John

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About Papa John

  • Birthday 08/07/1997

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  1. So after playing a little bit yesterday, I have found out a few easy methods of making money. The first thing to do is use your money to buy a license and a car. Then you should do DP missions until you have enough to buy a gun (either from the gun shop or from the gang hideouts if you can afford or are a part of a gang). Then as soon as you have one, keep doing DP missions and if you happen to come across any gas stations that are far away from the Police HQ's, go ahead and rob them with your gun. I had a DP mission that took me from Kavala to Sophia and I made 50K, and robbing a gas station usually brings in about 30-50K. It may not be the best method out there, but it is the best I have found so far. Also, depending on where your DP missions take you, take advantage of the moneymaking options in the area. For example, after I dropped off the package in Sophia, I bought a copper license for 9k, picked copper at the copper mine down the road, and drove back to kavala (because that's where I usually like to hang out) to sell the copper at the trader. From the copper alone, I made 70k. In my personal opinion about the new update, I feel that the prices have been reduced far too much. I agree that the prices were too high before, but the current state of the economy leaves everyone farming for hours to gain little money. Also the dragging restrained people is a little annoying and buggy when I play cop. However, I really enjoy the rest of the new features such as: gun shops being outside of towns, drug cartels, and alphabetized lists (I REALLY LOVE THIS ONE). All in all, good job Olympus staff. I really appreciate all that you guys do to improve the servers. While this update definitely has its fair share of bugs and problems, I am sure that you guys will do your best to solve them and make changes to help the servers.
  2. Rusty you are missing out on not picking apples and starting from scratch. Sure it's nice when people just give you thousands of dollars, but where is the satisfaction in that? I for one can't wait to start from square one. I just broke 10 million the other day and I had no idea what to do with it. I remember the good times when I used to do copper runs and live paycheck to paycheck. But fuck fishing. That shit pisses me off ?
  3. We should implement a red zoned vehicle upgrade shop that will not only give insurance to illegal vehicles, but also allow you to purchase illegal upgrades like oil slicks or deployable smokescreen if you are being chased by cops. For the insurance, instead of selling it at 40-50% of the vehicles original price, illegal vehicles have to pay like 75% of the original cost. What do you guys think???
  4. So I bought the Ifrit the other day but when I went to get insurance it wouldn't let me. Is this a bug or is it just a part of the game? And if it is art of the game, is it also impossible to insure the 50 cal truck??
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