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  1. LMAO to be fair in my last post i was pre baked and pre choked for no reason but lmaoo i prob forgot after that wasnt worth caring bout 🤣


    i just played the server for 28 hours pre much my entire arma 3 time to become a cop, I read the handbook 3 times, waited in teamspeak for 2 hours 30 minutes before getting moved, I answered the first few questions but by the few after that he was nitpicking every single answer like, not very user friendly, for 2 hours and 30 mins of my time to be wasted, I work 8 hours a day 5 days a week so for me to get 28 hours on the server in like a month of playing was alot of dedication, only to be told sorry dude  like, for real, just give people the test and dont make them wait 2 hours and 30 mins just for them to leave the server because they wasted over a day of total playtime and almost 3 hours in teamspeak like, holy fuck 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Heritage


      @ Retard No, that is the most heterosexual comment suggestion that has ever graced our world. 

    3. Clashingtin


      2HOURS Is a good time normally it takes days

    4. bummm


      You gotta understand this isn't someone job either. People are taking free time out of their day to test you. It is your fault that you failed.


      Also why are we posting yelp reviews on an arma 3 forums

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