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Status Replies posted by Jolan

  1. In my personal opinion playing APD is more of a chore with constant RDM everywhere. It isn't even fun anymore, I used to enjoy playing with deputies in Kavala and RPing with people but now there isn;t even a chance because you're adding charges every minute or so to some people who play the game like it is wasteland. I am starting to get sick of this.

    1. Jolan


      It's not that I don;t want to patrol, it is difficult to help players have a good time playing when there is fewer cops playing because they constantly get RDM'd and I would like some Deputies to get some ticketing done so they get a little used to it. It's just harder to deal with. If i saved every RDM recording I have I'd probably have a good 30-40 clips.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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