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  1. Is what it is, but the message on the screen was "you have been kicked from the server", not you lost connection to host etc.
  2. Yep those are the rules i read just like everyone else. Unfortunately, your regulars dont follow those rules. But if you shoot one of them...instant kick. Like I said, every engangement so far has been instant shooting after the hands up thing, or dumb ass text message. So Im assuming i can just text people from afar then go shoot them correct? Ive even been shot instantly after being revived by a medic. Oh the best was being shot in the back by the same medic the next day while he wast a medic i guess. It is what it is but if your going to have rules, they should apply to all.
  3. Ok so like the title says,help my almost 50 yr old ass understand. In regards to killing, I've been tokd/read "hands up or die...5 sec then what ever. Its a game and expect them to always shoot me. I would probably shoot too. Played arma for years just not much these servers. In just 18 hours on O.E., I've been killed like 10 times, most with no interaction at all. The interaction I did get was, the "line" instant shot. Mostly shot in back while at market or something or tutorial. The best are the text messages I don't notice. I would much rather be robbed, kidnapped, left half naked in the woods at least. Can you even get anything from a dead body? After I'm revived nothing is really taken so no biggie. But my issue would be i ran into the last text message shooter on my travels, so I shot him. Not more than 5 seconds later kicked. Really? Thats pretty lame. Was i supposed to bs rp "i don't know him since I died " crap? Lol
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