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About vilkas

SWAT Member
  • Birthday 11/30/2003

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  • Olympus Gang
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    Afghanistan Space Program Headquarters
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  1. The Disciples of Dante have approved the title of this post.
  2. Alhamdulillah fellow follower of @ -dante-
  3. Today, we held our first cult meeting, a gathering steeped in the shadows of devotion. After hours of prayer, our hearts filled with Dante's unwavering will. And then, with a chilling sense of purpose, we carried out the sacred sacrifice. Let this warn all who dare to defy him. Resistance is futile. Only through absolute submission can you hope to find grace in his eyes.
  4. Mister Baba El Chavo is a proud member of The Disciples of Dante
  5. You are not a true believer in the POWER OF MIGHTY DANTE!
  6. join if you want https://olympus-entertainment.com/clubs/92-disciples-of-dante/ @ -dante-
  7. I support @ -dante- . He never does anything wrong, and what he says is law. I'll never forget the day he left CRUCIO. He was our best R4. we still keep him dear and pray for him every Sunday. Love from CRUCIO.
  8. and Johnny Goose who got unlawfully and unjustifiable blacklisted... like wtf remove it??? #FreeDallasANDgoose
  9. From pulling rnr ghawks and shooting people with it to serial nepotism, can't wait for next years Nicole drama FREE DALLAS HE ONLY DROPPED TAZERS FOR PROFIT @ nicole
  10. Name: @ Samob Gang: @ Samob Rank: @ Samob Accountability: (who do i message if you have someone being a retard) @ -Shawn-
  11. bitch

    1. -dante-


      Bro hates women. Color me surprised 

    2. vilkas


      ticket bitch

  12. lovely guy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swedish


      wtf is this

    3. vilkas


      us supporting you, so you look good on the forums

    4. Swedish


      Thank you so much

  13. holy shit this is epic @ Samob
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