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Posts posted by Klick84

  1. Just now, TheKoreanNation said:

    My fucks are limited on when they are used

    is that all you got?

    7 minutes ago, TheKoreanNation said:

    You're actually a brain dead child Idk how the fuck you made it this far on the internet being so incompetent to realize that no one gives a flying fuck on the internet this isn't a fucking place to bitch about how people are negative, The amount of times you are going to get told to go fuck yourself on this shit is uncountable. Go pound sand up your ass fr.

    Im probably older than you are. Im nowhere near a child. nor am i acting like one like all of you internet trolls.

    • Downvote 2
  2. 1 minute ago, TheKoreanNation said:

    You're actually a brain dead child Idk how the fuck you made it this far on the internet being so incompetent to realize that no one gives a flying fuck on the internet this isn't a fucking place to bitch about how people are negative, The amount of times you are going to get told to go fuck yourself on this shit is uncountable. Go pound sand up your ass fr.

    keep proving me right this community sucks.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Shelby said:

    You made a post so pointless it could've been done as a status update. Someone said something slightly trolly and you reacted, which makes people think you're a bigger target. Then you made this post, which is just going to make more people think its funny to go at you. I've no sympathy for someone bringing it upon themselves.

    oh please you probably get treated like a queen because you are a very rare breed. So you have no idea. 

    • Downvote 4
  4. 6 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

    People here are taking what you said specifically as derogatory towards Arma. Just like you took the few I LIKE CATSes and zoomzoooooom's (shitlord) comment as being derogatory. 


    Honestly it would have been completely different if you worded it as "Hey does anyone here play PUBG? Lately I have been enjoying that and haven't played arma recently. How is the server doing anyhow?" 


    Seems like you could learn a lesson from: 


    "go away no one cares"  not really many ways to interpret that one.  Apologize for what. 

    1 minute ago, Mercury said:

    Still whining, and I don't have to take my lumps because I don't post like a retard nor bitch like weak a impotent fuck.


    Keep proving me right.

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  5. 1 minute ago, TheCmdrRex said:

    This community was founded on arma. When your first post in a while was literally bashing the game that is the essence of this community, you can’t expect to get hugs and rainbows back. 

    Yes there is a lot of egotistical, rude people here, but not all of that is unwarranted. There also happens to be a lot of people who shitpost for no reason and expect it to be constructive. 

    Nothing I posted was bashing anything.  Ive been playing pubg and have not been on in a while and was wondering if its still being played as much.  Is that such a sin?

    • Downvote 7
  6. Is it just me or is there a lot of rude people here? can anyone prove me wrong? I have been playing on this server for three years and have never encountered so many rude egotistical asses.  Everything I have ever tried to do has been dumped on and laughed at and I'm sick of it.  Why do people have to be so negative.  I would never bash someone for no reason.  I just don't get it.

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