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  1. Selling VERY VERY good meth 2c, and 2 VERY good moonshine houses that is a 2c in DP25 and DP23, and THE CLOSEST frog swamp house and its a 2c! With pics
  2. I did not do that!
  3. I am selling the only walking distance frog swamp house, and is also really close to the moonshine seller so you can get a lot of easy money with that, it is a 2c that is maxed out on V. Storage and P. Storage, it is good for runs bc you can fill your house up instead of taking a risk - msg me if you wanna buy this one! Also, selling a 3c right in DP13, it is not upgraded but it is in one of the best locations for frogs - msg me if you wanna buy this one! Also, selling in my opinion the best frog 4c it is in the middle of DP13 and maxed out, only 1.1km away frog the frog processer, easy suv runs - msg me if you wanna buy this one! HERE IS THE PICTURE OF ALL THE HOUSES! https://gyazo.com/eb52da263ff686f58c755e91742cb9d6
  4. bro whattttttttttttttttttttt whatever bro
  5. just shut up, I'm just trying to sell my houses, you literally are so annoying
  6. how can I scam if im putting it on the realtor use your brain
  7. Image of all the houses - https://gyazo.com/eb52da263ff686f58c755e91742cb9d6
  8. Selling 1 and only walking distance house for frog's! And a 3c in DP11! And DP22 3c great for moonshine! And DP13 3c and 4c great for frog! ON REALATOR RN IN-GAME msg me if you want to negotiate prices, or want to buy something! The 4c for frog is MAXED and really good so I use it, so that one isnt on the realator so if you want to buy that one DM me, the 3c is tho and its right next to the 4c!
  9. MSG ME!
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