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Im KiD

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Posts posted by Im KiD

  1. 2 hours ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

    I’ve noticed that even when there are half that amount of cops, civs are not in red zones so I’m not sure what is everyone doing anyway. I barely catch folks doing illegal stuff anymore. Where is everyone on a 150 pop server? Lol

    helping me process my rocks so I can reach 100 mil

    • Haha 1
    • Hmm 1
  2. Holy shit, Im only on page 5 and its been like 20 mins. I don't know many of yall but this shit is entertaining! please do not lock, so far in this saga I'm understanding where @ King  is coming from tbh, I think there is a social bias growing inside of two social groups here , this would only be possible if the groups had enough distance for animosity to ferment because no communication is being facilitated. This post if anything is a neon sign showing that the APD should take a internal look at the bridge between the SAPD and APD because it looks like  its starting to smoke from my viewpoint.

  3. like i said i cant judge the kid , i don't care how he acts its the internet , im just saying yall acting like you aint see a kid act like a kid. he is gonna say stupid shit . DONT WANNA HEAR IT? stop listening to the kid. this is a gaming community he meets the criteria to be here. Some of yall just tearing on em for no reason besides he is a kid and everyone else is doing it

  4. Just now, Mason Harrison said:

    You should know him before you say anything

    i don't need to know him to know that from reading these comments that the KID here is acting more like a adult than those attacking him. this is a gaming community not the kindergarten playground

    • STFU 2
  5. @ZAZA Look i don't even know you tbh , but fuck these niggas who are trashing you. Just do you and fuck whoever has a problem with it TRUST ME when i tell u if you follow that, It makes life so much easier. Your only a kid so u ain't their yet but unfortunately in life some people never grow up and still act like kids and Olympus is full of those people so fuck what they gotta say 

  6. 18 hours ago, Emad said:

    Das like straight up gang shit bru

    question is ,how many cars flew after the race 

    well a little bit after this Cops got mad at the swag goo dripping off our go karts and tried to pull us over, lets just say they flew ;)

    • Like 1
  7. 13 hours ago, DoctorK said:

    ^ Basically my stance on this issue. Trump always had the mouth he did before running for president. The media just decided to take advantage of that to smear him out of the race. I feel like most of the younger voters were heavily influenced by the media (heavily biased toward democrat in my opinion), which is the main reason we're seeing a lot of the civil unrest.  Add that to the fact that riots have been trending recently and we're looking at a potentially exciting few months. However, I'm pretty sure all the babyragers will eventually dust themselves off and realize that the crying isn't going to solve anything. People need to understand that the whole "a house divided cannot stand" quote is pretty relevant here. Last time the US tried to function as two separate entities was in the 1860s. Google can tell you how that turned out.

    Trump always had the mouth he did before running for president.  I believe once he's surrounded by the right people and experiences the burdens of being president he'll learn to curve his big shot mouth that has carried him through the celebrity lifestyle. If he was doing it for money he'd have been better off dropping out of the race early. Everyone should see that.

    At the end of the day, Trump, like every other president, deserves and needs the peoples' support in order to have a hope of making the difference he wants to. He will have to deal with the checks and balances our government has set in place to prevent the "radical hate-mongering" most people seem to be fearful of. No matter what, democracy is still democracy. Our elected officials must listen to the voices of the people. We basically own their jobs. People shouldn't feel powerless just because the election didn't go their way. It's still America, and we're still Americans no matter who is president.

    TLDR: It doesn't matter who is President. Democracy will still win. #4yearsofmemes #Feelsgoodman

    Here's a funny meme that's relevant 



    Agreed. i do have one question for trump and his supporters. HOW? he has said the stuff he wants to do but how will he do it. you are very correct that it really depends on who he surrounds himself. his policies and statements are nothing but impossible. the bad thing about that is what will his supporters do when he does not fulfill his promises. will we be even more divided ? 

  8. Politics are something that is very complex and everyone has many views and ideals on them. that being said i do have my opinions but will not share them as i do not find this a place to do so... however i will ask for one thing in the next upcoming months as i am seeing the begin of tears in the public as today i have seen protest across this country. I ask that we try to remember that we are all human, we breath the same air, we hate mondays and long for fridays. Around the country and the world we all watch and wait and hope for the best. 

    I honestly do not see this as the end but just the beginning. there is only one constant thing in this world and that is Change.

    love you guys :D 

  9. whats up guys its Medic opus Here and to make this simple and short because my MAC N CHEESE is getting cold i wanna trade sum olympus money for the Jinx star guardian skin

    If u play the League of Legends  ( Aids ) game and wanna make this trade message me how much u would like for it :D

    thank you for ur time

  10. Hello everyone 

    This is a fun little thing i put together to show the daily life of a ALTIS R&R Service Memeber




    This is me and my friend Steven.



    This is my BABY. ORCA 900-A | MEDICAL EDITION | ( real nice comfy chairs with GRADE A cup holders )


    This is my lovely house with my wife in the picture. lots of room for ACTIVITIES 



    SO i usually wake up with my wife, the furniture is future u cant see it but it's there.



    My wife and all her glory ( don't be jealous )



    Sometimes We like to spice things up in the bedroom.


    Driving to work . no traffic today THANK GAWD


    Arriving to work :D



    Making Sure the staff are working hard. helping this citizen get his Aids pills



    AS SOON as i get my baby up in the air some GREAT PILOT goes in to land on the road .... he failed


    I meet My wife at her  side job. Stopped for lunch.



    My boss did not like me stopping for my lunch date. Time to head back to work 



    WORKING MY MAGIC. In all srs this takes a lot of work. I went to medical school for 6 years and spent 2 years in the Coast Guard.



    This is how cars are made. The things you see on the job always amaze me



    Altis Space Program Test#1 failed my wife going in for the REVIVE ( i taught her well )




    My lovely wife in the view with me.



    My Boss Max saying hello to all the Altis citizens. (isn't he cute in his pajamas) 


    My boss gives me a "pat on the back" for all the good work i did today


    Time to head home to my lovely Wife.







    In The end i had this idea randomly not a lot of people on and i decided to just take pictures of what i was doing and throw them together for your viewing pleasure.

    Hope you enjoyed this bucket of photos and have a great day :D

    • Like 9
  11. Hello im having a error on loading in like many others but as i was searching around for answers i found a hot fix that was posted on Reddit

    Original Link : https://www.reddit.com/r/ExileMod/comments/3hvz5q/bambi_creation_timeout/

    And for any others who have the same problem as me here are some other sources i have found :



    Good luck and Have Fun in Exile

    P.s. i am not responsible for anything you mess up

  12. Yes its free, download information will be provided once it releases. The mod pack is only like 200MB, but to make sure it goes smoothly I may host the files on several of our servers so players can download from different locations.

    I've already got a server set up that I was using for some development stuff and I should be able to get the mod up and running in less than 30 mins after release, hopefully :P

    Info is available at their website: exilemod.com

    so ready for this it looks amazing and if what you said about performance is true i might just waste my life over on that server :) im very excited that Olympus is bringing this so thank all who help in bringing this over

  13. OMG im ventilating, let me get this right Olympus is getting Exile  ?

    i have questions :

    1. is it free ( im a scrub )

    2. download how do i get it?

    3. were can i get more info for this?

    if i see this correctly it has base building? Upgraded UI ? Trading? and the most important NO MORE FLIP PHONES AND BICYCLE RIDING

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