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Posts posted by TeXx

  1. On 7/15/2024 at 6:55 AM, TeXx said:

    But there's a video of him saying "fuck Republican and fuck trump....".

    Found out he actually didn't say this. It was someone posing as the shooter. Nevertheless I personally don't believe it was staged or that he had someone's help. I feel he was a lone gunman that did it for either self infamy, or for a his own political beliefs. I highly doubt he was a Republican or a moderate voter. His ideology most likely leaned left,  and he probably believe killing trump was the only way the democratic party could win after the recent debate


    Also this doesn't look good 😅😂

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  2. 10 hours ago, Tman15tmb said:

    Just another crazy Democrat that registered as a Republican in order to vote against Trump in the Primary.

    Yeah I think he was posing as a Republican potentially to disassociate the democratic party from the act. Like he was found wearing a demolition ranch shirt. But there's a video of him saying "fuck Republican and fuck trump....".

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