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  1. ive been rdmed 4 times tonight, vdmed once, harassed, the only roleplay comes from the cops when they show up 5 deep for 1 person.... this server sure has changed it is fun and has good moment but seems to have turned into a "wasteland with extra steps" game mode and not at all like what i remember from back in the day even a few years ago, my friends that used to play absolutely refuse to play with me on this server anymore, everyone can afford their kit 100 times over and it seems there is no fun to be had because somebody is just going to come along and rdm you over a kit you can both afford 100 times over, or text you hands up or die from 300 meters away and ruin any roleplay moment there hasnt been a shred of roleplay in any initiation or violent encounter its literally just "hands up or die" no reason no explanations no story, just hands up or die i want your pixels that we both have and in most cases they just want to shoot you point blank or while your standing still (they might mess it up otherwise) from what ive experienced the past few weeks nobody roleplays it is literally a deathmatch game mode with extra steps to deathmatching your opponent given they arent in a bush initiating on you via binoculars, not here to talk smack about the server its been a source of entertainment for me and my friends for years and hopefully more years to come but lately it seems other options are looking more fruitful for roleplay and smoother experiences with friends
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