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About chfdawg

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  1. This is the best comment.
  2. Anything can be post-worthy, it's an open forum silly head. The point of the post wasn't to attempt to get him demoted or start a witch hunt lmfao, there's plenty of other examples of him not just being toxic but breaking server rules publicly and getting away with it, but nothing was done about it then, so there would be no point in rehashing it now, would it?
  3. I never said he was unfit for that, I said that the fact that you made a statement of " Calling someone a retard being the worst of it recently is pretty good id say. " ABOUT the CM is a joke, and there is no way to deny that lol, the CM should be holding themselves to a higher standard in any community, video game or not.
  4. zzzzz the fact that is even a statement being made about the active CM is a joke
  5. The screenshot of the community manager calling his players retards is totally made up, you're right
  6. it's okay that you like to dick ride the kids who don't touch grass, I understand they're your only friends
  7. Sorry, my bad, his $15 prowler lmao
  8. asking for comp for ur spawned in vehicle and calling your players retard, nice
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