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About joshbagosh

  • Birthday 06/19/2002

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  1. https://steamcommunity.com/id/DaJoesh/ how come?
  2. I was trying to show my friend how to play this server by picking apples and selling to a market but right before I could sell, got robbed (yes they took all my apples), my car, and kidney stolen. I then had to rebuy everything and was broke again so I decided to make the trek all the way from kavala to athira to mine silver in which I ran into a blockade and got shot and killed (and my car got stolen AGAIN). You people are insufferable. There is no rp. If you are doing ANYTHING even getting APPLES, you will be shot and/or robbed. What is the fun in that? I just don't get it. This is not altis life rp, this is robbing simulator. I think we should get rid of all the farms, processing plants, and traders and instead just make all of Altis KOS as that's how everyone seems to want to play this server. No interactions, no fun, just shooting and robbing unarmed people for no reason.
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