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YouRock Obama

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About YouRock Obama

  • Birthday 10/13/1998

Profile Information

  • Olympus Gang
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Criminal (2/7)



  1. You can get scraps by taking other people's vehicles to the chop shop. You can sell the scraps to another players or you can craft different items such as weapons, ammo, armor, vehicles and things you can't buy from rebel outpost.
  2. So, I am not the decision maker on this issue, admins or people interested in this issue can make a better decision, but if we take the information Fraali said above as the source, 10K per minute - 150K for 15 minutes.
  3. I think the bans imposed on people who break the rules could be more deterrent. So, I'm sure this has been thought about before and a decision has been made, but is the banned person charged for the damage he caused to the other party? Yes, he is banned as a punishment, but is money deducted from this person's bank account? Many people who break the rules or harm another player by violating the rules risk getting banned rather than paying money. However, if you deduct the money for the damage caused by the banned person from their bank account, these people will try to reach a compromise on the amount or situation via Dispute rather than being banned, and as a result, being banned will become more deterrent because they will lose their moneys both way (if they realy violeted the rules).
  4. @ -dante- free my little black chinese friend please #FreeWezio
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