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Everything posted by YourDeadM8

  1. I was banned for a stupid reason. I was following the rules. I was doing everything correct. Apparently I logged on a cop, but I was not sure since I was being DDOSED, so it said "losing conection to server... something like this" and I lag out. I log back in to let the cop arrest me, and like as he is about to arrest me, I get banned. Cop never told anybody, and now I am stuck with a 14 day ban. Its annoying....
  2. Hello, I am wanting to know, if you guys sell un-bans. I have a 14 Day ban currently, and I want too play with a buddy's of mine. I understand what wrong i've done, but I believe people should be given a 2nd chance. And I was new to the RPG / Atlist, and did not know rules, and was extremely stupid. I will be willing to pay some money via paypal, I can use the "Donate" section. I think this is a extremely good idea if you guys don't already have this. Plenty of people enjoy the server, and people often do stupid things. Thanks for taking the time to read this, cheers !
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