FREE WEZIO, this man is doing Unjust time. he deserves to be back in the server, you already would be wiping his old account clean. and with a fresh start, us as OILY MEN, would make sure Wezio is free from any rule breaking, and we will give you guys the best GANG on OLYMPUS if you UNBAN my man wezio, We will provide economical growth too the server and its player base. We will be free loot,money,kidneys/whatever u want with us baby gurl 25/8, We will all join a discord in mass unison to apologize for wezios action on behalf of the newly instated OILY MEN TEAM, Free my French Canadian Wezio, he did nothin wrong but be French. who can blame him for that! of course no one. Free my boy. And we will bring new prosperous life to Olympus, following all rules too a tee, with a little bend every now and then! Thank you for reading this. and please. get my wezio outta the shackles. Canada is already enslaved him enough.