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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. beirut

    A noob story

    today in asylum some guy drove in front of my truck jumped out screamed get out of the turck . I ran into them and there truck blowing us all up.. they send me a msg saying they was submitting a video for vdm because i drove into them lol. this is exactly what is wrongwith alits life.....
  2. beirut

    A noob story

    I played today and ran about 3 delivery missions until some guy at about dp 19 asked hey you got a repair kit..bang bang bang ? .... Bang bang bang no cops online..... full server sunday night. I logged off
  3. beirut

    A noob story

    yeah i didn't even come back after that day.. i will come back sooner or later when i do i wont forget the hospitality paid to me.
  4. beirut

    A noob story

    well honestly I didn't know about the 15 minute rules which is bullshit. Today I wasn't banned I chose not to play on Olympus.
  5. beirut

    A noob story

    Well they finally left Kavala square after 2 hours of ping ponging me around So I go get back pack money and get to work... Get there! Get a full load! Guess who is waiting for me when I go to sell it... You want me for my little fish money bro? bang bang bang dead again... not a very detailed picture in the link below. http://gyazo.com/fb5b46bef6333dc9cb5150b1fa9e65fe
  6. beirut

    A noob story

    Now cLoak and Thokmay are collaborating in game together as insiders against the outsiders to sway the topic in there favor... Well it's already in your favor. I'm the outsider here. Jump on your bandwagon. Thokmay THIS WHY WHY IT's ALRIGHT FOR YOU TO HANG OUT AT KAVALA SQUARE AND JUST KILL PEOPLE BECAUSE YOU CAN JUSTIFY It! hahaha what a fkn joke. Well keep robbing me I dont have shit... Keep putting my hands up. Keep telling you your a P.O.S Keep getting killed. I've got my day cut out for me.... No I'm going to spawn where I want to spawn these little rule bending people will NOT control me.
  7. beirut

    A noob story

    After posting this I just kept running back standing infront of the atm saying Red a lert there a noob at the atm.. And then beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster ?I guess asking why I should put my hands up because i don't have anything is out of the question? Sad part is Matt foster and cLoak are both insiders and will probably either pardon each other or have an admin buddy do it for them.... So beirut 0 Server pricks 59. It's funny cause while i'm posting this I can hear them driving back and forth up and down kavala road looking for me. Yeah that's how this works! I broke the "rules" so the insiders can justify abuse the hell out of me for 2 or 3 hours. BEcause I asked them what are you going to rob me for my little back pack money?
  8. Since I've rejoined the server after my 14 day ban for My SQuad coming in and wrecking the police. which is what happen. they couldn't fkn handle us all. I rejoined alone I decided alright cool the server money restarted perfect time to make some money so I got a back pack planning to get a fishing boat. While standing infront of the atm some guys says You got 5 seconds to put your hands up. " matt foster" I turn and ask him what are you going to rob me for my little back pack money? Killed for my little starter money. I just kept running back to the square pissed I was being abused for there pleasure. I figured one way to get back at these " all the rules knowing pricks" was to continue getting murdered because they was going to murder everyone using the " rules" anyway. Then for the rest of the morning the text pretty much looked like this for the next two hours the text pretty much looked like this. >>> MESSAGE FROM MATT Foster : Land the fuck down/ Pull the fuck over/ Surrender the shit!! beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by cLoak beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by cLoak beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster beirut was killed by Matt Foster every bit of 30 + times I'm breaking nlr because pissed these asshole can just justify killing a noob ever time they see him and over again. I've been asked well why don't you just leave. I said NO fkn way I'll let some little kids who think they run shit run me out of here..... I will make money on this server and anyone who decideds tey can bend the rules and abuse the hell out of me will pay....
  9. Can I get Unban please or do I have to escavate in ALSYLUM?
  10. Hello I am a fishmonger from Kavala I made 2.2 million dollars searching ship wrecks. Then I turned around and bought a house on the beach in Kavala Just to call it my home. Right now I'm running H in my backpack 2.2k round trip because this hatch bach snagged a rock.. We really need SUV's The cops harassed me twice today. kinda shitty money running H considering the risk. Oh well 3 k run back to the dd... ( well see you in game Server 3) Beirut out! Oh wait this is Olympus I got raped raged and committed mass RDM. I'll be on a 14 day ban and when I return I'm going to try and roleplay better SO Please Dont just rape me.
  11. Hello I am a fishmonger from Kavala I made 2.2 million dollars searching ship wrecks. Then I turned around and bought a house on the beach in Kavala Just to call it my home. Right now I'm running H in my backpack 2.2k round trip because this hatch bach snagged a rock.. We really need SUV's The cops harassed me twice today. kinda shitty money running H considering the risk. Oh well 3 k run back to the dd... ( well see you in game Server 3) Beirut out! Oh wait this is Olympus I got raped raged and committed mass RDM. I'll be on a 14 day ban and when I return I'm going to try and roleplay better SO Please Dont just rape me.
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