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  1. Considering I ain’t said a word ok but I would not go be typing when u got a lil boy as your cover photo
  2. Well if we had I 5 min video we would see lot more and I’m not saying that laying in a wall is not exploiting I’m just saying I did not do it on purpose and every time I stud up if u watch video I did i full 360 checking cause 30 sec before I got up and got plastered in could not even take a step so of course next time I’m not just gonna stand str8 up and bro who reported me knows cause he dropped me in same spot and watched me get rev and then blasted me again just so happens he exposed him self and got killed and had thought he had a great way to get at kit and I said fuck now and here we are today bitching bout some bs ban they need a force comp or somthing cause mf act like everything has bad intent like i don’t think I’m wrong so I’m not just going to comp but admin fines me wrong so now u should have choice to set straight or take ban cause I’m not dishing out 500k before the trial yk but they just smack u with ban hammer over 16 sec video I can make any body look bad I could tell u hands up or die and make it look like rdm with 16 sec video easy and I u got regulations go bye them should not be cherry picked it says video must be 5 min and that’s for good reason this situation believe me or not can happen to any single person in a multitude of ways just off lack of context alone and most of time if u don’t record 5 min before it’s deliberate cause there is nothing stoping u and that fact alone show dishonesty in accuser but nobody give af be back soon hopefully won’t be bitching on here no more
  3. https://youtu.be/315hUXSEonc yo killed me i fell in wall he watched medic rev me then him or his buddy killed me in same spot got rev again then this last time he starts rec for last 16 sec and i get ban for 2 days you when it clearly said 5 min vid nothing less i aint no fucking cheat and 16 sec vid dont show shit unban me you know yall fucking wrong mf get killed and combat log come back with full nothing happens i get killed in wall 3\4 times and im banned for 2 days fuck outta here then sat in t.s for two hours to not even get talked to what a fucking cunt
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