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Posts posted by M3rc3nary1404

  1. Im just writing this to answer everyone's questions at once. Over the last few hours i have gotten texts, steam messages, and personal messages on here asking why you were removed from the apd. Well here is the reason. It is nothing personal to anyone who has been removed. There was a survey last sunday that was a requirement by every apd member to be filled out. Every member was given a week to fill out the survey and submit. My understanding of the survey was to filter out the inactive apd members and to also narrow downs and create squads for a good chain of command system. If you feel you were removed by mistake. Than feel free to submit a ticket or contact a SAPD member via message on here. That will help keep the confusion down. And Also allow the SAPD to do their jobs with out being pulled in every which direction to answer the same question over and over. I hope this clears things up for people. 



    Well I Play Everyday On But I Don't Visit The Forum That often..... So I Missed The News For The APD Question Thing.         And Is There A Way That I can Get Back To The APD With Out Waiting or Re Applying..?   

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