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Everything posted by PhaseShift

  1. Is using vehicles in the hunting grounds legal? Now that we have shooting from vehicles I'm tempted to sell helicopter hunting trips from an air taxi. Only thing is, I remember seeing rules that no vehicles except quadbikes were permitted in the HG.
  2. One minute time out on searches of the forums seems a bit restrictive. If I search some terms and don't get the results I want, or I spelled it wrong, the time out is one minute? Seems like maybe three in row would be a more reasonable limit.
  3. Ok, well, I'm en-heartened. Is that a word? You've demonstrated that this community doesn't necessarily need a manual. There is an overwhelming willingness to answer, even benign questions. Bravo to you guys. You've set yourselves a mile apart from mil-sim.
  4. Go on Netflix and watch The Insider. The host is an out of shape Hollywood stuntman and martial arts expert. He shoots with the Beijing swat team. He comments on how hard it is to shoot after running, or under stress or both.
  5. Thanks for the helpful answers. This highlights the problem though. where do I get the special personal protection gun permit and the guns? Was the APD officer who told me helos had to fly at 150m and land 300m away from any building, full of poop? How do I send a taxi request? How ow do I answer a taxi request? How do I get the name of a player that I see in game to send a message? How do I send a taxi fee? Do I have to do xyz in a special way? Could I RP something not in the rules like an animal control employee? There are endless questions and nuance to the rules. Some of these could not be in a manual and are more server specific.
  6. I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to find a full manual for Altis Life. Things like, where do I buy insurance? What are the steps to making moonshine? Which button does XYZ? A lot of this gets handed out through side chat. There are a lot of small guides on any one thing, but not overall repository for player instructions. I couldn't navigate AltisLifeRPG.org well enough to find a manual either. Is there one? Thanks.
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