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APD Officer
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Posts posted by Sean0615

  1. Alright ladies and gents, I am Sean Poppins in game. Uncle Sam on TS, and Senior Cow on steam. I am a Senior Deputy in the APD and I am 16, fixing to turn 17 man. I'm laid back and I love the server, minus the fact that everyone enjoy robbing people when we're n00bs. I try to be as friendly as possible, and do not mind to play with anyone as long as they're cool with me. I'm a junior in high school, and I hate it. Seniors act like freshman, freshman try to act as big as seniors, school is cancer. Anywho, I've been here a while and yeah. If you guys wanna hit me up on steam, just do it man. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198072327873/

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