Mako seems like a very vibrant happy chap.. he was in cop channel and didn't utter a word of acknowledgement to anyone...just what you want from a community manager i guess ! Keep up the good work!
This whole thread is a utter joke.....sov made a post about a situation that she believed to have been handled unfairly and instead of the server administrators maybe talking to her about let a bunch of people talk so much shit name call and belittle and then some admins and higher ups get in on the is that fair ? Honestly what a fucking joke... I try and stay out of the online crap as most things don't worry me but watching a bunch of guys single out another female and make jokes and act like a bunch of children is fucking disgusting.....
Hey guys havnt played here in forever, is there any gangs that would take on casual players ? Or anyone who would want to play sometime, i dont know anyone on server so it can become kinda boring on my own!