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Police Application

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Around 3 - 5 days ish sometimes quicker sometimes longer, but just be patient they'll get to you when they can. And with Interviews they kind of happen when a Sergeant or higher is available, I don't think there is a set schedule. My advice once you get accepted just sit in the interview channel and be patient.

Takes like 1 - 2 days for the application to be Accepted or Denied, once that happens you should join the Interview channel like PO said. The times they usually do them are around 7:30 PM EST, that's usually when they start doing them or at least around that time. So once you get accepted join in that channel and just be on around 7 PM and you should get your interview in 1 - 2 days. They are pretty good about doing them and getting things done. 

Only two hours and ten minutes later c:


Hahaha (actually a little longer from when i sent in my ticket but yeah didnt take long at all :)

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