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PC rig questions

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So I have been wondering about my rig. I have a AMD fx 8350, GTX 750. I have no idea about my MB (Not there ATM.) And I only get 45 FPS after restart. 18-20 close to restart. Do tall think it could be my MB? If so, any suggestions for a MB that is cheap, but will help out? Thanks guy!

No ARMA series have always been CPU intensive i7s really run this game at its true potential

No ARMA series have always been CPU intensive i7s really run this game at its true potential

Ah. Okay. Any suggestions to get best visuals, but staying above playable frames? 22 for me.

Ah. Okay. Any suggestions to get best visuals, but staying above playable frames? 22 for me.

i7 4790k is awesome but way too fuckin expensive. 300 buck is way too much find a a cheaper i7 series or a high end i5

The AMD FX-8350 is most definitely the most bang for your buck.  Under 200$, some motherboards cant hold it, but luckily mine could so i picked this baby up, performs like a beast, you shouldn't have any issues with it.  At the moment I'm using a AMD R9 270x graphics card, if, again, you want the most bang for your buck, pick up a R9 270 or 270x and you wont have any trouble with any game.  All recommendations/pointers if your interested in upgrading your PC, go crazy.


R9 270x link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=R9+270x&N=-1&isNodeId=1

AMD FX-8350 8 core 4.0GHz CPU link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113284&cm_re=AMD_CPU-_-19-113-284-_-Product


PS:  If you decide to get a 270x or a 280, make sure you have a good enough power supply because they are pretty power hungry compared to the 270.

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