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The tale of the EMT

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This short story was inspired by @Skateezy, thank you for the idea!


It was a beautiful day as I woke up in my small home on the outskirts of Athira. I made breakfast, drank a red gull and got in my hatchback on my way to work. I arrived at the hospital, grabbed my outfit, some lollipops and I was good to go. It was quite apparent that there where no other medics online so it was up to me to save the island of Altis. I grabbed my ambulance and was on my way. Revive after revive people thanked me and worshiped me as a God. I felt good about myself and was prepared to call it a day as soon as a 911 dispatch came in. It was a man, a name I had never seen before..... Prism..... Hmm i thought to myself, what could someone possible want, even more interesting the call came from the main air field inside of the hospital compound. I thought maybe there was a massive gunfight between two clans so I redeployed to see what was going on. By the time I had looked outside of the hospital it was to late. 3 Ifrits and at least 10 armed men awaited me pointing their weapons at me demanding I get inside of their vehicle. I knew something was not right. They blindfolded me restrained me and smashed my panic button, there was no saving me now....... We stopped, and to my surprise I stood face to face with the federal reserve. The sudden realization that I may never would see my family again hit me, they are going to attempt a federal reserve robbery. I  was escorted to the dome in witch the bomb was planted. For there I waited as I heard the beep of the bomb slowly tick down. It felt like I had been in there for ages. Suddenly the sound of helicopters and sirens broke the horizon I knew they where coming to save me. I had to plan my escape. I gathered the courage to look outside of my confined cell and saw two armed men standing at the entrance.  I knew if I could make some sort of a diversion I would be able to escape.... I threw my chem lights but it only angered the bandits even more. They had threatened to kill my whole family if i dident stand still. My body sweated and shook as the timer ticked down and suddenly BOOM, the vault was open. Three men rushed in and started to load the tempests full of gold bars, I asked and the let me take a bar for myself as a thank for my service. I rode in one of the ifrits as countless police where chasing after us. As I knew my time was coming we made our way to 2 blackfishes awaiting us in the distance. We drove into the back and took flight. The police department did not give up. The sound of Ghost-hawks and pawnes where growing louder and louder. but then on the radar a titan missile was incoming. Moments later i was told to jump. I was given a parachute and i did not think twice. I jumped out and landed directly onto a police ghosthawk. The windshield shattered as I fell through the glass, at last I was safe. The police then told me everything was going to be ok as we flew back to the police Headquarters. Once we arrived they searched me. They found the gold bar. I was sentenced to life imprisonment.... But I have a plan to escape!


Untill next time .... Doofy

  • Haha 2
  • Kreygasm 1

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