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Locked Lord of the Rings theme quiz

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The first one to answer all the questions correctly will win the prize of 1 million dollars in game.


Questions 1.

Who does the ring belong to.


Question 2.

What language does Gandalf speak the words of the ring (One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them,One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.)


Question 3.

What pippins full name


Question 4.

Where does Frodo need to take the ring to destroy it.


Question 5.

What creature is Treebeard.


Question 6.

How many dwarf women are featured in the films.


Question 7.

What is the name of the horse that Gandalf calls in the two towers.


Question 8.

How many rings of power are given to the elfs.


Question 9.

What blade does Frodo get stabbed with at the weathertop.


Question 10.

What is light called that Frodo gets given by the lady Galadriel.



Submit your answers.

1.  Sauron

2. black speech

3. peregrin took (had to look up spelling on that one)

4. Mount fucking doom (mount doom)

5. he is an ent

6. None in the Lord of the rings but in the hobbit they are shown i think gimli just fantasies about them 

7. shadowfax (wonderful horse)

8. 3 rings

9. Morgul Blade (i think some people call it the morgul knife but im pretty sure its a blade)

10. The Phial of Galadriel

3 minutes ago, William 'Daniel' Wallace said:


2.Black Speech

3. Peregrin Took                      <------------ when you copy paste off google

4. Orodruin                                      <---------------------- cause you never seen the movies (or read the books)



7. Shadowfax



10.Phial of Galadriel


Edited by Nulliation
2 minutes ago, Nulliation said:

1.  Sauron

2. black speech

3. peregrin took (had to look up spelling on that one)

4. Mount fucking doom (mount doom)

5. he is an ent

6. None in the Lord of the rings but in the hobbit they are shown i think gimli just fantasies about them 

7. shadowfax (wonderful horse)

8. 3 rings

9. Morgul Blade (i think some people call it the morgul knife but im pretty sure its a blade)

10. The Phial of Galadriel


we have a winner

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