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Recent Olympus Activity

Been a while since I made one of these, figured it’s time for an update. TLDR if you want to skip the paragraph I was afk for a little and shit stopped. Updates and Gang Wars is after paragraph. So to jump straight into this, Olympus has been on a small hold for the last few weeks. After the September/October incidents where I had @Mako as a drill sergeant calling me and making sure I don’t sleep for days to get our servers up and running I decided once things were back to normal to take a



Olympus really be poppin

Damn we made it to about two months by now? Who would of thought id last, was expecting a new owner by now  Jokes aside, im so happy with the overwhelming support Olympus has been getting in these last few months. We have been seeing some OG's  coming back from the shadows a bit, cartels have been slightly more active, and our staff team has been working their ass off to get shit done for all of you, devs and designers especially. Lets get to the juicy shit in this post cause ik you guys hat



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