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Everything posted by lanz

  1. I Have 2 3 Craters On The Edge Of The Redzone One Is Just Inside Redzone And The Other Is Half In Red Half Out, PM Me Through Forums If Interested!
  2. house sold garage only now
  3. I Have A MoonShine House and garage right next to eachother in DP22 PM Me Offer and What You Want
  4. so 3 mil? 3 mil will pay off the house upgrade and crates I had to buy so lemme no and ill get on civ asa u accept and do the deal lemme no I'm on all day
  5. how about 3.25 and ill give u everything in the house.. some unprocessed mushrooms and random stuff.. also this way I'm making some money because of upgrades.. lemme no
  6. i am selling 2 houses on altis and 2 on tanoa I have 2 houses on tanoa they are 3 craters on the edge of magic pro, I also have on server 2 a 4 crater in dp17 with atm attached to it good for mushrooms, and I also have a dp 22 4 crater and garage, pm me on forums for exact screen shots and offers thanks : D http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=718247928 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=718247867
  7. .i have a garage and dp 22 moonshine house comment offers its on server 2...Both at dp22 and u can buy both or just garage.
  8. I have a few on server 2
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