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About Cam_Smiff

  • Birthday 07/25/1997

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  1. I have a garage 3km from DP5
  2. what are the craters? Ill buy both for 5 mil
  3. 1.2
  4. its a one crater?
  5. lemme think bc I have to Rebuy the house but probably yes
  6. a mil
  7. I am looking to buy some meth houses, I want a 4 crater but I will also take a 2 or 3 crater. Must be server 1. Garage would also be nice as well. Pm me if your selling a meth house on S1, even if its 1km from meth lab we can talk about it. Thanks!
  8. 10 mil and a armed quilin
  9. Well your wrong actually. It is technically a roleplay server so some people play as vigil and some people do only legal drugs. So your wrong when you say everyone wants to do what I said, otherwise I would have said I'm looking for people that are doing what everyone else is doing.
  10. I am looking for some people who are fairly new to the game that are trying to find some guys and girls to roll with and are all about killing cops, robbing people, and doing drug runs. There will be high payouts and lots of fun and money to be made. Private Message me if your interested, I'm looking for people who aren't in gangs and/or are looking for a new group of people to roll with! Thanks for taking the time to read this if you did! Remember to private message me if your interested!
  11. Well it's the only 4 Crater for sale with a garage directly next to it facing the weed processing, every other house and garage in DP1 is bought by someone else. And I don't expect 3 mil, I expect more like 1.75, I only asked for 3 bc I figured it would be bargained down by at least a mil
  12. Always ask for a lot more then you expect to get that's why I said it's negotiable, you will learn that as you grow up, once you get past the 8th grade I think they start to teach you that type of stuff in some electives in high school.
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