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  1. Wait so if Banned players coming back on restriction want to comp or something along those lines needed to give money to someone we need to contact the admin to do it for us ?
  2. boi if i was head medic and was in ts with other medics id suspect it eventually its been going on for over a year
  3. lol rage harder? you should of noticed a medic sitting there impounding there own cars if anything dam dude calm your rage lol
  4. lol your to cringy
  5. nah fame probably a admins pet lol
  6. xD thats all i gotta say
  7. bahahahah righttttttt
  8. Lol agreed but admins shouldnt let have it gone over a year lol pathetic thats all im saying 2 mil reward? its obvious that its a admins pet who found it and if we shall ever find this pet he will be engaged
  9. agreed im sure the admins let it go out longer and see who did it lol but ggwp kevin with the highest score my man
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