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Everything posted by CmStorm

  1. I really find this amazing! so is it a randomly generated house fire? (i know 3 medics need to be online) but what happens if your house catches on fire? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198094427665/screenshot/2280578014277202144/
  2. @ EVERYONE just use the server rules that are in place and go ride right on people's asses and comp everyone over and over and over lmao no bans so lets just keep doing it lol @ batGooseCan well said (As reading) that's such a fair point for NEW PLAYERS (not me) just makes them not want to play over something not in there control what so ever.... AND EVERYONE KNOWS HOW BUGGY PHYSICS ARE ALMOST 10 YEARS LATER thanks for the read
  3. @ EVERYONE imma just drive straight and crash everytime i get chased cuz you ARE NOT ALOUD TO TURN 3CM IN ANY DIRECTION @ silton YOU COULDNT HAVE SAID ANY BETTER, someone with a fucking brain chirst
  4. so basically your aloud to ride someone's ass ( if your being chased your only aloud to go straight) is what i get from admin waste of time to upload and submit over easy comp for something you have no control over, just worth breaking rules now a days lmao
  5. Done on Olympus for a bit. Best offer Gets it. DM for picture's House's; House in DP 11 (150m) from oil trader House is top right of neo dealer (200m) garage right of neo dealer (150m) Garage Between Plat mine and pro and kavala rebel House 100m from plat trader
  6. Zaro's DP 9
  7. https://youtu.be/d80RGP5w1zc
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