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Everything posted by Tobossco

  1. I would think so. Reason being would be you can get an idea what a house would be priced like on the server market and then you can compare price to what is being asked for by a player with benefits such as location in mind.
  2. I just came back to the server after not playing for a few months and when I went out to do turtle runs, like I did however many months before, I was not able to find a single turtle the entire time I was out there. I remember being able to find around a turtle every 30 to 60 seconds and now I just spent fifteen minutes without finding a single one. Any idea what happened?
  3. I was trying to go turtle poaching with a friend with his new SDV but when we went to go into the truck inventory, it would tell us that we needed to get the fuel variant to store oil, but we had no oil and we were trying to store turtles and other crap. Is it supposed to be like that because 800 truck capacity and no way to use it seems really stupid. Please give some feed back.
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